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Tapeworm pourquoi toujours rien
dans le kerrang de ce mois ci une mini interview avec danny lohner
qui aprle entre autre de tapeworm et du nouveau NIN...

En resume :
- Danny considére encore Reznor comme son mentor et la place a un
niveau bien supérieur au sien.
- Underworld est quelque chose de totalement différent de tapeworm,
ce sont deux projets distincts (bien qu'il dit dans l'interview pour
reuters que la chanson Awakening c'était une chanson sur laquelle
devait travailler reznor)
- La composition actuelle de Tapeworm est la suivante : Reznor,
Maynard James Keenan (Tool, APC), Atticus Ross (ex 12 Rounds) et
Lohner. plus de trace d'Anselmo et comme annoince precedemment plus
de Clouser
- un album de Tapeworm devait sortir en décembre 2002. Des problèmes
de droits sus à l'appartenance à différents labels ont fait capoter
la sortie
- Reznor travaille bien sur un nouvel album et Lohner devait aller le
rejoindre pour voir ou il en est
- Lohner aimerait retravailler avec Wes Borland (ex limp bizkit) et
Richard Patrick (filter, ex nin)


pour ceux qui veulent en savoir plus, l'interview de kerrang :

Near Dark
Danny Lohner:reinventing the horror soundtrack, Nine Inch Nails style.

"Trent Reznor is like my mentor.I dont compete with him.He's on a
another level when it comes to things like that".
Danny Lohner, longtime bassist/guitarist/programmer with Nine Inch
Nails, is aware that he's got a lot to live up to.
NIN mainman Reznor famously revolutionised the art of movie
soundtracks with his ground-breaking work on Oliver Stone's 'Natural
Born Killers' and David Lynch's 'Lost Highway'. Now Lohner has
followed in Reznor's footsteps and put together the soundtrack to
acclaimed Brit vampire flick 'Underworld'. "I'd worked on
the 'Charlie Angels 2' soundtrack as well as 'Natural Born
Killers', 'Lost Highway' and a bunch of things with Trent," says
Lohner. "One of the producers of 'Underworld' is a friend, so i
figured it'd be great to get involved." Like Reznor's
albums,'Underworld' is an innovative, frequently surprising
collection of songs and moods.Featuring a diverse array of bands(A
Perfect Circle, Finch, The Icarus Line, Skinny Puppy), it also
contains a handful of suitably impressive collaborations- not least
The Damning Well, whichsee's Lohner hooking up with ex-Limp Bizkit
guitarist Wes Borland and Filter vocalist Richard Patrick.

It's been suggested that much of the music on the 'Underworld'
soundtrack was originally written for Lohner's Tapeworm project, the
semi-mythical supergroup that has, in five or so years since its
inception, featuring contributions from Reznor,A perfect Circle/
Tool frontman Mayarnd Keenan and Pantera's Phil Anselmo.
Lohner insists that Tapeworm remains a separate entity-
it currently features himself, Reznor, Keenan and former 12 Rounds
drummer Atticus Ross- although he admits his frustration that it has
never seen the light of day. "I know, man , its a joke," he sighs.
"It's painfully close to being finished.We've got a whole Tapeworm
album ready to mix. What happens is that we do the songs, then
everybody has to go off and do their own thing. We actually got to a
point during the last Tool tour, where we were all really focused,
and we were planning to get the record out by Christmas 2002.
Then we got into some legal scenario- Maynard was signed to one
label, Trent to another,blah blah blah to cut a long story short we
ended up shelving it yet agin."

With Tapeworm still on hold, Lohner is gearing up to start work on
the long-awaited follow up to Nine Inch Nails' 1999 masterpiece 'The
Fragile' ("I just spoke to Trent the other day," he say's. "I'm going
down to New Orleans to catch up with him and see where it's at.")
And he's not ruling out hooking up with Borland and Patrick again.
"I'd love to work with Wes and Rich in the future," he say's.
"'d love to get in a van and tour the country, just like the old days.
Play the clubs that we played when we were coming up.That'd
be cool."

et la news reuters :


1970-01-01 00:59:59