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Le titre du prochain NIN : Bleedthrough
Merci beaucoup à Mrs Self Destruct & Kwisatz pour cette grande news...

"Bleedthrough" est le nom annoncé par la ninhotline comme le titre du
prochain album de nin...

" Here's a nice little write-up I stole from the nine inch nails
forum at digital noise, as typed up by aronmorris.

I figured that you would all like to know that in the upcoming issue
of Alternative Press Magazine (the 25 most anticipated artists of
2004) which hits stands the first week of December, one of the
artists/albums covered is NIN. The report states the overall vibe and
sound of the record and lists some of the people that are involved in
the production such as Rick Rubin, Atticus Ross, and Leo Herrera. The
official album title is "BLEEDTHROUGH."
There are three song titles also mentioned. Another point worth
noting is that Trent is quoted as saying that he is fed up with the
perfected quality of computer-produced music (specifically the use of
ProTools software) and that this record was done with alternate
methods. There is no specific release date mentioned.

Some people called bullshit on this, but it's been pointed out by
several others that bleedthrough.net has been regestired to Nothing
since May of this year."

Kwisatz (qui a des problèmes de connexion) et Mrs Self Destruct

2003-11-24 06:03:00