(Current version: 3.3)
This is a compass application with extra features listed below.
I'm also created a separate application to run just the flahlight. That's the O2Flash. You can download it from here. The O2Flash are integrated to the O2Compass installer, but if you need it alone...
To use you need to install the .NET Compact Framework 3.5!
It works on these devices:
- Samsung Omnia 2 (i8000)
- Samsung Omnia 2 (i920)
- Omnia Pro (B7610)
- WM6.1 & WM6.5 & WM6.5.3
Samsung SDK in the installer changed to 2.2 therefore theoretically works on these 2 devices too:
- SCH-M710/715 T*Omnia II
- SPH-M7350 Oz Omnia
You can create your own Compass and page skins:
0. Download the 3.3 SDK file from
1. In this, you can find everything what you need to know to create your own compass skin and page backgrounds or full theme.
2. The PSD files are the samples. To the compass creation, you found a Tutorial document with screenshots in the Compass folder. With that, you can create it easily.
3. In every folder in this compressed file you found a Folder.txt. This contain the appropriate folder where you need to put your own skins.
4. The program automatically put the new skin to the list of skins in the Skins page.
5. Enjoy!
6. Upload it somewhere and share with us!
Changes in V3.3 (27/02/2010):
- Added: Light Sensor
- Added: Saveable destinations list
- Added: Decimal minutes coordinate format
- Added: "Add current location to the list" button
- Skin changing method changed. Now skin can changeable with up-down finger sliding
- Memory usage cut down to the possibly minimal. On average usage it's 3-4MB.
- Copy-Paste-Clear context menu added to the coordinate input fields
- minor and bigger bugfixes
Changes in V3.21 (13/02/2010):
- Added: Main menu - Options / Skins / Minimize / Exit - Thx the idea to Alex.Shastov
- At minimized state, the app doesn't eat any CPU time (just the GPS stays on, if it's on).
- Minor bugfixes
Changes in V3.2 (12/02/2010):
- Added: GPS turn on/off option
- Added: Decimal / Sexagesimal coordinates format support
- Added: Changeable Metal detector background and progressbar
- Waypoint changed to Destination
- Minor bugfixes
Changes in V3.1 (06/02/2010):
- Added: GPS coordinates (decimal), waypoint (decimal), altitude, speed and GPS signal strength writeouts
- Added: spirit level
- Added: metal detector
- Added: options and skins page
- Added: skinnable compass and pages, easy skin changing
- Added: command line parameter to start the flashlight alone (-flash)
- The calibration screen appears when the accuracy go down below 100%
- Haptic feedback
- Keeps the backlight on
- Minor bugfixes
Changes in V2.0 (31/12/2009):
- The FlashLight function works properly
Files you can download:
O2CompassV3.3.CAB - just the original backgrounds are included
O2CompassV3.3_(HUN).CAB - Hungarian version (magyar változat)
O2Compass_SDK_V3.3.zip - The tutorials to create your own them
Download on freewarepocketpc/Opnmarket or Download other files